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2005 - December 25th - Sunday

Kathy rang JH:  Kathy and Ralph’s plans were to go for a walk along the seafront to which they are very near – it was a delightful, if cold, winter’s day; they then would call into the pub for a Christmas drink; their neighbours were going to hand in - for each of them - a plate of Christmas dinner; finally later in the afternoon they would motor over to Stratford to visit Kathy’s grandchild (query more than one).  Happily, Ralph was feeling much better.  Kathy spoke to Mary Andrews who had been introduced to her as JH’s future Aide-de-Camp whilst JH was convalescing.

Eventually JH opened an email from Edwin in Canada – sent by him on 23 December 2005 at 04 39!  Presumably this has been ‘converted’ to GMT.  Edwin tells JH that the latter is ‘. . . a brave lady . . .’  Apparently Edwin received Kathy’s invitations by airmail almost as quickly as JH did in little old England (not by airmail) – assuming that these missives were dispatched all at once.  Edwin also sent a copy of the words of I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas which words JH will have to compare with those with the CD she obtained from St Paul’s Pre-School.  Action: JH to send email to Edwin at long last!