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2005 - November 6th - Sunday

JH sent an email to Sara to update her on what transpired at JH’s appointment with her GP, and about Kathy’s relaxing enough to book to go to Cyprus in May 2006: in her reply Sara says that she has not made contact with Maggie yet.

2005 - November 18th - Friday

On the Friday after her return from Holiday on Thursday 18 November 2005, JH sent Kathy and Ralph a Wind in the Willows postcard  - having visited the Exhibition in Henley whilst on Holiday – encouraging them to visit the River and Rowing Museum - - to see the exhibitions with the grandchildren – perhaps when the latter are a bit older!

Mr Toad standing at the entrance
to the River & Rowing Museum

2005 - December 7th - Wednesday

JH received and opened an email from Sara Stacey dated 5 December 2005 in which Sara explained that JH had not been forgotten but that Sara had tried to speak to the ‘relevant individual’ – presumably Maggie, the Sister – several times but had not managed to make contact: Sara would persevere.  On the same day JH received a letter from Kathy, dated 2 December 2005, which she had written whilst on dialysis.  Kathy has received her official letter saying that she is on the Transplant List; Kathy’s Consultant has written to JH’s GP.  Kathy mentioned that she was reading a letter from JH, dated 3 October 2004, in which JH mentioned photos – which Kathy has received from JH.  [JH was not able to track down a letter of 3 October 2004 but will sort through Family Tree File in due course.]  Kathy also mentioned that Ralph had fallen off his stepladder whist at work (on 29 November 2005) and had ended up in hospital ‘very bruised’.  Also, Kathy has located another Hipsey and written to him!  Kathy enclosed a newspaper cutting about Battlesbridge [JH’s father’s childhood home] from the Echo, ie, the Essex Issue: the cutting has been placed in JH’s Family Tree File

JH called on Sara Stacey during the day [still 7 December 2005!] and told her about Kathy’s letter, and thanked Sara for her email.  It was decided that JH would give her own GP a ring to ascertain that the Surgery had received said missive.  Also Sara would persevere in her efforts to contact Maggie.  Sara sent an email to JH later in the afternoon saying that she had, at last, spoken to Maggie: Maggie confirmed that a letter had been sent to JH’s GP requesting that JH’s ‘work up’ be carried out, in the first instance however, JH would be asked to go up to Whitechapel, ie, the RLH for direct cross-matching after which Sara will arrange for JH to see a Nephrologist.
Link to "The battle for Battlesbridge"
Essex Echo Wednesday 30th November 2005