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2005 - October 14th - Friday

JH called in to the NBS Plymouth Donor Centre and explained that she wished to obtain hard-copy information about her blood group for Kathy.  One of the Nurses photocopied JH’s Donor Card; one photocopy - on which JH wrote her consent for any further information to be given to the appropriate persons at the RLH -  was retained in the Centre; another photocopy – on which was written the Centre’s phone number and address and JH’s consent for disclosure – was sent by JH to Kathy by post.

After her Friday session at the WRVS Tea Bar, JH discussed the notes she had made - about the information in the leaflets - with Sara.

Telephone Conversation: JH rang Kathy to tell her that she was going to send her a photocopy of JH’s Blood Donor Card (done over WE).  Kathy explained that she had had tissue typing done but that what she had not received was the letter stating that she was on the Kidney Transplant Waiting List.  JH stated that she would be writing to her GP about obtaining her Medical History and giving consent for same to be disclosed.  Kathy said she would send JH a copy of the letter she was delivering to Maggie about JH’s personal details.

2005 - October 16th - Sunday

JH wrote letter to Dr N Bailey, GP (dispatched shortly afterwards)