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2006 - December 18th - Monday

JH telephoned and spoke to Maggie, Dr Thuraisingham’s Secretary, to ‘apologise’ for asking Maggie to phone JH with regards to what happens next; Maggie confirmed that she had seen a recent letter about JH; JH sent, by email, both a scan of the letter, and JH’s CT angiogram report to Maggie – as Dr Thuraisingham had not been the top addressee of the letter, and JH did not know if hard copies of JH’s imaging investigations had also been sent to the RLH.

[JH telephoned Angela Tilly, primarily to tell Angela about JH’s plans to send more Information to Chris Robinson’s Looking Back Column in the Plymouth Herald about JH’s and AT’s Midwifery Training in Plymouth, and JH also gave Angela an update on the Donation Saga.  JH telephoned Mary Andrews and also told her about the Donation Saga. JH and MA also confirmed an arrangement for MA to stay with JH on 20 December 2006.]

2006 - December 21st - Thursday

JH received a Christmas card from Skinners, plus Invitations to the 2007 Family Picnic, plus the 2009 Althorne Reunion! Over the Christmas period, JH also received a card from Pic and Bill Hipsey, Kathy’s sister-in-law and brother, which included thanks for what JH was planning to do for Kathy.

 2006 - December 23rd - Saturday

Kathy rang JH to say that Maggie Farrell, Sister at Southend Hospital, had told Kathy that JH would have to have an angiogram!  JH said, again, that she was not sure that this was the case, but that she would email her CT angiogram report to Dr Moro-Azuela’s Secretary (as well as Dr Thuraisingham’s).  Kathy did ask JH if JH was pleased that she had been ‘passed as fit’; JH said that of course she was; JH does, however, realise that Kathy needed reassurance that JH was ‘OK’ about it all, as JH had been going on at some length about the ‘mix up’ with regards to whether she had had a CT scan, AND NEEDED ANOTHER.  Both of us decided that nothing would be achieved by worrying about CTs, or whatever, until further communications were had with the appropriate people after Christmas, but JH would, at some point, send a copy of he CT angiogram report to Terri, Dr Moro-Azuela’s Secretary in Southend Hospital.  Kathy stated that she has been told that she will be seeing a Mr Collins – as a Representative of the Human Tissue Authority – at Southend Hospital, but JH will need to check on this information.