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2006 - May 23rd - Tuesday

JH sent scanned copies of documents to Sara Stacey: Dr Denton’s letter dated 24 April 2006; Dr Moro Azuela’s letter to Dr Denton dated 9 May 2006; JH’s appointment Letter for visit to the RLH.  In one email JH sent a brief note of explanation, and also told Sara about Kathy’s new great niece.

2006 - May 24th - Wednesday

JH received the Skinners’ card from Cyprus.

2006 - June 1st - Thursday

JH received phone call from Kathy: returned from Cyprus in early hours of Sunday 28 May 2006; just catching up on the mound of post; verified the date of JH’s appointment at the RLH; JH and Kathy to meet there – Thursday 6 July 2006; JH to go up on a day return by train (as she would miss a WRVS shift on either the preceding Wednesday or following Friday if she stayed a night either side); JH to phone the hospital, before appointment, to verify turning up – NOTED IN DIARY.

We further discussed:- Kathy had spoken to one of the Hospital Personnel who thought that we might be having our operations about September; Kathy will be having her trip to Devon which she does each year (and about which JH had forgotten), and will be having her dialysis in the nearest Hospital – could not remember the name of the town beginning with B, query Barnstaple but JH doesn’t think so; when Kathy offered JH a bed (implying that her house was not very grand – I’m sure it’s a delightful home), JH had the recollection of Kathy sometimes having ‘time out’ from her extended family, so JH stated that she is used to her personal solitude and was not wanting to be unfriendly but really would not want hoards of visitors staying for hours – Kathy did, of course, realise this.  Kathy also told JH that Ralph was doing a small job of work to see how he coped, and that there was a possibility that he would be signed off shortly: obviously the shoulder problem is getting better.