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2006 - November 13th - Monday

JH spoke to Jinny on telephone: Jinny had not got JH’s message until the evening of Thursday 9th; she was very happy to tell JH all about alkaline phosphatase: this is an enzyme made in the bone marrow, the liver, and the gut; she really did not feel that JH should start thinking that she was a bad donor candidate, even though JH also mentioned ectopic beats.  We had a long chat which JH found very reassuring.


Tuesday 14 November 2006

JH had long chat with Kathy on phone: JH explained to Kathy that JH had an abnormal alkaline phosphatase level but that JH had been reassured by Peter, one of the Transplant Team at Derriford, who said that this was nothing to be worried about but that JH was to have the level checked; JH suggested that Kathy ask at her Dialysis Centre in order to get some sort of explanation about the significance of JH’s abnormal level; JH said that she had not managed to speak to Sara Stacey recently about ‘shoving’ all JH’s results under Dr Denton’s nose, so JH really could not hurry things up.  In the meanwhile, Kathy had spoken to folks up at her end, in particular she spoke to Ray, Sara’s counterpart at the RLH, who said that Kathy/JH would not be admitted to the Transplant Unit in February or March 2007 – as suggested by Dr Thuraisingham – as the Unit would be full up (or words to that effect).  Kathy was, quite reasonably, also eager to know whether she could ‘safely’ purchase her and Ralph’s tickets to go to Cyprus in 2007 as, if they bought them before Christmas, they got a considerable discount.  JH mentioned (again) that her B/P was only high when she went into hospital as a Patient!  As Kathy had missed JH before the latter left home (and JH had failed to communicate with her) Kathy pointed out, again, that, if JH had a mobile we probably could have arranged to drink a cup of coffee together!  However, JH expressed no enthusiasm for having a mobile and tacitly thought that she would have missed her look round Greenwich Market where she ‘picked up’ a replica of the (ceramic) Egyptian hippo in the British Museum.

JH also phoned Mary Andrews who said that, in her experience, one’s alkaline phosphatase levels were raised after drinking alcohol: JH could not remember when she had a drink of orange liqueur with a mixer!  JH also said again that she was getting anxious about Kathy’s remarks about making plans for doing things in March 2007.

Thursday 16 November 2006

JH visited GP Surgery for repeat blood test to check alkaline phosphatase level.  The specimen was taken by a different Phlebotomist.  JH asked if she should check that the result was definitely back tomorrow, Friday afternoon, as she had an appointment to see Dr Hateley first thing on Monday morning, and did not want to come to the appointment unless all her results were back.

1JH finally succumbed to obtaining a mobile in 2012!