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2006 - November 17th - Friday

JH’s rang the Surgery: her alkaline phosphatase was normal, however, JH still wanted to see Dr Hateley as JH had not received result of her ECG

2006 - November 18th - Saturday

JH spoke to Mary Andrews on the phone and gave her a Report on Progress (amongst other things), and also said that she felt more at ease about Kathy’s being a bit pushy – as she would be – about looking to the future with reference to making arrangements to do things in 2007.


2006 - November 20th - Monday

JH attended Dr Hateley’s Surgery: JH’s alkaline phosphatase level was 136 which he considered normal, although it recorded as one unit – query microgram – over the given highest acceptable level; JH’s ECG was normal; JH’s blood pressure was normal.  JH asked if she should, in actual fact, be put on an anti-hypertensive – as her B/P goes up when she goes into hospital, and she would hate this to lead to postponement of surgery!  Dr Hateley said that the folks in hospital would take into consideration the anxiety caused to patients admitted for major surgery and would, therefore, monitor the blood pressure over a pre-operative period – when said blood pressure was found to, almost invariably, drop down to normal.

JH spoke to Sara Stacey on the phone: Sara told JH that she had printed off JH’s email to her, dated 6 November 2006, and put it, together with all JH’s results, on Dr Denton’s Desk: she would remind Dr Denton to ‘get on’ with communicating with Dr Thuraisingham.  Sara was quite sure that all the letters about JH were in JH’s hospital notes, but JH would still like to confirm that the letter dated in July 2006 from Dr Thuraisingham to Dr Denton – a copy of which was sent at JH’s request some 10 weeks after it was first typed in July 2006 – has actually reached JH’s notes!

2006 - November 26th - Sunday

JH phoned the Skinners to give Kathy an update but Kathy was in bed about 6.00pm as she, and Ralph, had tired themselves out gardening in the sunshine in T-shirt-sleeves.  JH spoke to Ralph and told him that all JH’s tests were normal, including the alkaline phosphatase level – which JH had mentioned to Kathy; JH said that she regretted that over a year had past since JH had offered Kathy a kidney, but Ralph just thought that that is how things are!  Ralph said that they would be spending Christmas day together at home as usual, but might go out visiting on Boxing Day.