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2006 - October 24th - Tuesday

Kathy left message on JH’s CM asking for dates of JH’s trip to London for the Early Music Festival with a view to contacting Tony Benn whom she planned to invite out for a bit of lunch together!  JH phoned the Skinners back twice and eventually Kathy and JH communicated – after JH had played music with Sue and her pupils, and collected a large picture of hippos from Mike Howells, Art ‘Entrepreneur’ to carry back on bus!  The only day which JH could offer – that was convenient for Kathy {+ ? Mr Benn} - was Sunday, 12 November 2006, when JH would be going to the Moeck/SRP Competition Finalist’s Recital in Greenwich; Kathy assured JH that the Skinners would provide transport so that JH got to the Concert at 4.00pm.  Kathy had obtained an up-to-date leaflet about the Human Tissue Authority; Kathy said that she would, of course, come to any Panel Meeting with JH.


2006 - October 26th - Thursday

JH sent an email to Sara Stacey asking Sara if she thought that Dr Denton could arrange for JH to see the appropriate physician about her fluctuating B/P and pulse (in which case JH would cancel her appointment with her GP); and pointing out that the copy letter JH had received from Dr Thuraisingham’s Secretary implied that correspondence should be had with Dr Moro Azuela – which is the opposite of what the latter’s Secretary had said; and asking if Sara had received a copy of said letter for JH’s notes.  Kathy rang JH to report back about lunch with Tony Benn: he will not be available on Sunday 12 November 2006 but did accept Kathy’s call and spoke to her personally; he is still not retired but plans to retire eventually!  JH was relieved that this luncheon date was not possible as she really feels that it would not have quite been her social scene – but it would certainly have been Kathy’s!

Plymouth Herald 27th August 2013
2006 - October 30th - Monday

JH rang Renal Unit and Sara rang JH back to say that she had received JH’s email, she still had not collated all the results – the CT scan was still ‘missing’, she had JH’s ECG on which JH’s pulse was recorded as being 62, she thought it a good idea for JH to keep her GP’s appointment.