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2007 - April 20th - Friday

JH received a reply from Ray to her ‘direct and to the point’ email to him!  Ray said that he had left an answer-phone message as well; he said that he had booked JH into the James Hora Home for the nights of Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of May; ‘Optional fee (it’s a charity) of 30 pounds a night.  You have to check in by 4pm on Wed and we can do your pre-angio bloods on Wed afternoon.’.  Subsequently, JH had a long chat on the phone with Ray about the information that JH needs to provide to the Independent Assessor: JH is required to produce evidence of her identity and her relationship with Kathy.  JH had initially misunderstood when she was asked to produce evidence for the IA about her relationship with Kathy, as JH thought she had to produce birth/death certificates for relatives who were alive in the 19th Century!  However, JH must produce evidence of her EMOTIONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH KATHY.  RT and JH had long discussion about what documents, copies, photocopies, photos, etc to send; JH pointed out that she had an OOD Passport, but would send a copy of her Derriford Hospital Identification Card – as being a WRVS volunteer.

RT also informed JH that the Skinners had been unable to go to Cyprus on holiday: Ray had spoken to Ralph on the phone that morning and Kathy was still in hospital and not at all well.  After this chat, JH spent most of the day sorting through her negatives to get copies made of those taken at the Greenwich Family Picnics and the Millennium Reunions – to send the copies to Kathy, as she had lost her whole ‘dossier’ in Greenwich Park in July 2006.  Subsequently, JH nipped down to Square Discount to get them to duplicate all the photos: they came up trumps with the goods before they shut at 5.00pm.

JH also received a separate email from Ray with an HTA leaflet attached – which JH must read before seeing the IA, but was UNABLE TO OPEN: however JH suspects that this is the same leaflet which she obtained from Sara Stacey.  ACTION; Tell Ray unable to open attachment

2007 - April 21st - Saturday

JH had long chat with Ralph: JH explained that she thought she would find him at home, as she had been told by Ray that they had not been able to go on holiday. Ralph explained that, after Kathy had had surgery as expected on Tuesday 17th, she had been in dreadful pain – in her arm – and had been receiving morphine; there was talk of long lines being put into Kathy’s thorax – to which Kathy was very resistant as she would no longer be able to go swimming.  However, the decision was ‘taken out of everyone’s hands’ when the fistula burst on the morning of Thursday 19th and when, according to Ralph’s description there was ‘. . . blood everywhere’; Ralph just got the Hospital in time to see Kathy before she went to the Theatre at somewhere about 2.00pm: so Kathy had long lines put in.  Ralph said that, because they had not informed the holiday insurance company prior to 3 days before departure that they were unable to go to Cyprus, they would lose £700 {but then, of course, there was still a hope earlier in the week that Kathy would be well enough to go}.  In any event, the Clinicians were going to write a letter, on the Skinners behalf, with a view to making a case out for the Skinners still receiving some compensation for their cancellation.  JH told Ralph that she had got the copies of the photos, taken at family get-togethers, duplicated and Ralph was really eager to pay for these copies.