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2007 - January 15th - Monday

JH received CM message from Kathy saying that nobody knew JH’s blood group!  On 14 October 2005, JH had sent a photocopy of JH’s blood donor card to Kathy: never mind!  Kathy also said that our joint appointment at the RLH had been re-instated for 12md on Thursday, 8 February 2007.

JH rang Ray Trevitt, Live Transplant Co-ordinator at the RLH, who explained that none of the correspondence about JH told him what JH’s blood group was!  JH explained that she had sent a photocopy of her blood donor card to Kathy way back in 2005 but, of course, this information had presumably been ‘fed’ to the Folks at Southend Hospital.  JH SENT A SCAN OF HER BLOOD DONOR CARD TO RAY TREVITT.  JH received an immediate automated acknowledgement from the RLH and, subsequently, a reply from Ray with regards to JH’s concerns about getting back to Plymouth on the evening of Thursday 8th February as she had a visitor coming [Sue Groves from Jersey] on Friday 9th February - although JH did explain that, as she was expected to arrive at the Hospital for 12md, that she would stay the Wednesday night up in the home counties: essentially, Ray stated that JH’s worst case scenario was that she would not be free to leave until about 6.00pm.

JH rang to tell Kathy that JH had sent Ray information about her blood group:  JH spoke to Ralph as Kathy had gone for her dialysis: Ralph sounded exhausted but he had been working; Ralph told JH that he was taking all his medication but that (as Kathy had said) he was hoping to get a second opinion about feeling constantly unwell.


2007 - January 18th - Thursday

JH rang the Lawn Guest House to book to stay on Wednesday, the night of the 7th February: JH was told that the Manager, Colin, had died of a coronary on Monday 15th January.

2007 - January 19th - Friday

JH received an appointment Letter from the RLH: 3.30pm on Thursday, 8 February 2007, to go to the Access Clinic for Surgical Assessment: the letter arrived with JH’s address inadequately visible in the window, and the Postman had obviously had to lift the corner of the window to see the address; when JH took the sheet of paper out of the envelope, it was apparent that the text had printed out obliquely; however the letter was dated 17th January – so JH should at least feel relieved that she received it!

2007 - January 23rd - Tuesday

JH received an email from Sara Stacey requesting that JH collect her notes and a DVD of her angiogram: Sara had been asked, by the RLH, to provide JH’s notes, and a DVD of JH’s angiogram.  The following day JH replied to Sara, telling Sara that JH would call in late afternoon on 31st January to collect items, as JH was now only doing one WRVS Shift a week on Wednesdays.  JH also requested Sara to look and see if JH was recorded as being 5ft 7in tall, or 5ft 7½in tall – as this made a difference to JH’s BMI!