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2007 - January 27th - Saturday JH's BIRTHDAY

JH received a super birthday card from the Skinners – of a Victorian painting of a lady feeding her ducks – obviously in the same genre as JH’s Birkett-Foster prints.

2007 - January 31st - Wednesday

JH collected Derriford Hospital’s notes, in which Sara had placed a DVD of JH’s angiogram  JH and Sara had a chat about: JH’s height which was recorded as 5ft 7in – unfortunately no extra half-inch; JH also looked in the Correspondence Chapter of her notes and could not discover any other copies of Dr Thuraisingham’s letter, sent in July 2006, and again by Maggie Balmuth, his Secretary in October 2006 - other than the copies, one of which JH had delivered, and the other being sent – at Kathy’s request – by Ray shortly before Christmas.  Although JH had looked in her notes (and told Sara that JH had typed her own Carpal Tunnel Release Op Notes), Sara did not seal the envelope in which she placed them: JH subsequently had a look therein – and whilst putting some of the correspondence in chronological order – was entertained to read in the letter typed by Di, Mr Fewings’s Secretary, that JH ‘. . . had peritonitis aged 7 due to a perverted appendix . . . suffered from planter fasciitis … had (a problem with) intervertable discs’.  JH subsequently phoned up Mary Andrews to tell her of these medical secretarial bloomers!  [What a pity Dennis Wilkins – who collated medical secretarial bloomers - had retired!]  {Addendum: JH was able to tell Mr Wilkins when she subsequently met him at a talk at the Museum about Antarctic Medicine in June 2008.}

2007 - February 1st - Thursday

JH phoned the Finnies – JH’s relatives - and told Norman about the proposed donation: JH spoke to Pat first and had a general chat – after thanking her for their Christmas card – about JH’s voluntary activities in Plymouth.  JH then spoke to Norman and, at some point, confessed that she had no intention of visiting sister Ann in Germany as JH has no wanderlust whatsoever; Norman then listed-off all the places that he and Pat had visited!  JH then told Norman about the proposed donation of a kidney to Kathy, JH’s very distant cousin.  Norman thought that the RLH was the same Hospital at which he had been seen privately, which he stated was near London Bridge; however, when JH looked in her large-scale London A-Z, she found a small Hospital by the Bridge labelled ‘London Bridge Hospital’.  Norman was particularly interested in how long JH’s operation would take – and JH said she would enquire when going to the RLH for her appointment.  Norman said he would be telling Pat all about JH’s proposed adventure; subsequently JH received a card of encouragement from the Finnies – asking JH to let them know when JH would be in hospital.

2007 - February 6th - Tuesday

JH received a CM message from Kathy saying that Ray Trevitt had not received all the information he required from Derriford Hospital about JH: JH phoned Kathy, as soon as JH returned home, and explained that JH had collected her Derriford Notes and a DVD with her angiogram thereon, and would be bringing everything with her to the RLH; Kathy said she would phone Ray to let him know.