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2007 - July 16th - Monday

JH rang Ray about arranging a FU appointment with the Surgeon 6 weeks postoperatively but did not receive a call back.  JH sent information to Kathy published in the Maidenhead Advertiser about the Shelter on Ray Mill Island, and information [sent to JH by Jinny Jeffery] about persons who are on anti-rejection drugs being more at risk of developing malignant melanoma – and advice about preventing this.


2007 - July 17th - Tuesday

JH spoke to Ray who said that he had already booked JH in for a FU at 2.30pm on Thursday, 2nd August 2007 in the Renal Outpatients.  Ray had been back from his sick leave for 1/52; he said he had had a very big operation (on his ingrown toenail) which JH deliberately took seriously and endorsed - as she knows that such procedures can be very painful, and Ray cannot be allowed to stagger around, as he’s needed!

[no entries for 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st or 22nd July]


JH’s subjective impression of her postoperative recovery was that she ‘lacked incentive’ - which she explained to Mary, and also mentioned to Kathy when the latter asked: however, perhaps JH can allow herself a little leeway to, indeed, feel sorry for herself; there is no doubt that the fact that she has to get up 4-6 times a night to PU is an ‘inconvenience’ – and it’s not her that’s received the transplant!  JH still, occasionally, had a rest on/in bed, or on sofa, in the afternoon.  JH continued to use the local taxibus service during the day as required, and used a commercial taxi to take her to Ford Park Cemetery Trust’s AGM: in other words, JH has used taxis more times in her postoperative period than in her previous 66 years!

2007 - July 25th - Wednesday

JH sent an email to Ruth S to confirm the receipt of Ruth’s telecom about JH being booked in for Wednesday 1st August in JHH; JH sent an email to Ray to confirm her arrangements for coming to the RLH for her FU appointment on Thursday, 2nd August;  JH got JH’s and Mary’s tickets, for the trip to RLH, from the railway station.  JH received an appointment letter in the morning; JH told Ray that JH had booked into JHH the day before the appointment; JH was still planning to travel with Mary Andrews to the Hospital but Mary would stay at a Friend’s house; JH told Ray that JH would like him to tell the Skinners that JH did NOT expect them to make a special journey up to the Hospital in order to meet JH on 2nd August.

JH attended Plymouth Teaching PCT PPI Forum at which JH raised the recently reported proposals about changes to the organ donation scheme.  As stated in the minutes of this meeting: ‘JO (Jill Owen) and MS (Mike Storey) agreed to raise this at the next Clinical Ethics Committee.’.  Reference Report in Herald, 19 July 2007[on file], about ‘Surgeons Back Donor Organ Call’ in which the Reporter, Diana Prince ‘gauges support for a call to automatically make everyone a donor’.

Link to : "Surgeons Back Organ Donor Call"
Plymouth Herald - 19th July 2007

Link to : "Case Study: Roy Brown"
Plymouth Herald - 19th July 2007

Link to : "TRANSPLANTS: The Facts"
Plymouth Herald - 19th July 2007