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2007 - July 27th - Friday

As Ray will be on Holiday next week, he phoned JH to see how she was: a long chat ensued.  JH told Ray that she felt miserable and lacking in incentive; Ray did, of course, point out that it was still early days since the operation; he said that, although some people went back to work after a fortnight, they did not, in actual fact, admit to feeling ‘all right’ in themselves for several weeks; JH observed that she and Kathy were not ‘in the first flush of youth!


JH told Ray about her inability to relish her food, having a feeling of emptiness rather than feeling hungry, still being very pre-occupied with her conviction that she has a reflux problem – which she had had for many years, but had never been actually diagnosed as having a hiatus hernia; she occasionally got heartburn, was constantly aware of a feeling of needing to burp, etc, etc; she realised that her symptoms were exaggerated by having a large abdominal incision which was still tickling ‘everything’; JH also mentioned her IBS which undoubtedly has been diagnosed.  Mary and JH have ‘agreed’ between themselves that, at some point JH will discuss these problems with her GP.

Ray had been told by Kathy that JH had fallen flat on her face!  JH ‘filled him in’ with the details but did observe that the fall seemed to ‘shake up’ the wind and collywobbles and she actually almost felt better after falling down!

Ray had not been told (by Kathy) that JH had had a course of antibiotics for her oozy wound; furthermore, the antibiotics, themselves, had further ‘screwed up’ JH’s gut; the wound had continued to ooze for about 5 days after the commencement of flucloxacillin on 2 July 2007; JH had persevered with taking the antibiotics but was most relieved to finish the course on 9 July 2007.

JH also told Ray that, when she was seen by the Renal Registrar on 12 July 2007, she had been put on Zanidip; Ray looked this up in his Pharmacopoeia and said that this was not an antihypertensive used in his Department.  JH said she felt sure that some of her vague feeling of having a ‘thick head’ was to do with taking Zanidip [but she forgot to mention that she was getting up 4-5 times a night to PU]; JH further added that Mary had said that JH’s ‘Normal’ was a bit strange in any case – to which Ray encouragingly replied that most donors do not really feel ‘themselves’ for between 6 to 9 months postoperatively!

Ray said that he would look round the Department before he left to see if Kathy was there; however, JH plans to phone the Skinners to ‘put them off’ coming up to the RLH on 2nd August – as Kathy’s appointments are twice a week on Mondays and Fridays.  Ray thought she had been re-admitted at some point but he checked on this – on his computer -  and it was not so, fortunately.