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2007 - June 26th - Tuesday

JH woke up at 8.00am, having slept 9 hours [and only needing two trips to the loo]!  JH rang up her GP’s surgery about her dressing being attended to by the District Nurse.  JH was told that a note would be put on the Nurse’s desk, but that there was no record of a phone call being received from the RLH about JH’s discharge.  JH was phoned up by Ray who enquired how JH’s trip home had gone, and told JH that he himself was going into hospital – to have an ingrown toenail attended to.  Oh Dear!  


2007 - June 27th - Wednesday

JH’s sleep was disturbed in the early hours by left iliac fossa pain.  JH wrote a letter to Pic and Bill Hipsey telling them about her meetings with Simon Drew, the Artist, who drew the entertaining get-well card which they had sent; Mary posted off the card together with JH’s two books of Simon Drew’s Drawings.  Ralph telephoned JH to say that Kathy’s creatinine was up, and so Kathy had undergone a biopsy of HER kidney; however, this was all part of the monitoring that Kathy would receive in her postoperative period.  Su and Pete Watson came round in the evening to visit the invalid who was lying in bed in a considerable amount of pain: JH went on a bit about how collywobbly her innards were!  After her visitors left, Mary enquired sympathetically about JH’s pain, which JH said was bad; JH had been advised against taking ibuprofen, which she had a supply of, and nothing else could be found in Hippo Haven; Mary went to No 62, and Vicki gave JH the remains of her packets of paracetamol - which Vicki had been prescribed when she had had her kidney stones – and which JH had no hesitation in taking!  JH rang up, again, about the District Nurse coming.  JH wrote in her 2007 diary: ‘A Hipsey day that should be cancelled!

2007 - June 28th - Thursday

Kathy rang JH at lunchtime to explain that she had had a Grade I rejection of HER kidney!  However, everything was under control: her steroids had been ‘upped’, and her cyclosporin reduced pro tem.