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2007 - March 25th - Sunday

JH failed to realise that the clocks had altered until reminded by Mrs Pickering at the LAWN GH: JH phoned about accommodation for her, and – Ann’s - her skin blister’s stay in May!

[JH phoned Ann Elflein about her visit to JH in May: Ann was dismayed when JH suggested that she could still stay in JH’s house, even if JH was in the RLH donating a kidney.  JH was subsequently cut off in the middle of the phone call but, when Ann called back, JH said that she would simply tell - whoever - that she was NOT going to be available between 14th and 18th May; JH subsequently received a letter from her skin-blister thanking her for keeping this week free {of course, the chances of JH and KS having their operations then were remote in any case}.

JH phoned Kathy and explained that JH CANNOT have the angiogram with dye at Plymouth: Kathy had spoken to Ray recently who had told her that JH could have a date of May 17th; at first Kathy misunderstood and thought that was when JH would give away a kidney!  Kathy, again, offered JH some travelling expenses which JH refused.  In any event, JH noted that the date was right in the middle of Ann’s visit to Plymouth – the dates of which JH plans to keep clear!

JH emailed Sara to make a case out for negotiating to have the Angio done privately in Plymouth – WITHOUT THE SKINNERS GETTING TO HEAR OF THIS PLAN:  JH actually gave Mary Andrews’s mobile number to Sara - as JH planned to go with Mary to the Garden House for  the day tomorrow.


2007 - March 26th - Monday

JH phoned Ray Trevitt at 9.20am but he had already replied to JH’s email: JH mentioned she was rushing off to catch a bus but expressed her desperation to get the angiogram done!  JH stated that she had been told by Kathy that 17th May had been suggested but JH said she was not available because of her sister’s visit; JH said she was prepared to ‘go private’ which Ray said was not necessary.  When JH read Ray’s email reply, she noted that he asked ‘ . . . do you know it’s normally done as a day case?  (from 0830 to 1530 or so – but you need to have an accompanying person to travel home with)’!  Ray also mentioned that he had asked, via a message, that the surgeon at the RLH speak to the radiologist at Derriford.   Ray also was heard to say the words ‘old fashioned’ but JH lost the context of this a bit - but assumed that Ray was acknowledging that some of the clinicians in the RLH are old fashioned!  [On the other hand - JH observes - it could be considered essential for the clinicians to 'keep their hand in' should the facilities for CT angiogram not be available.]

2007 - March 28th - Wednesday

JH went to Renal Unit to speak to Sara, and also spoke to Dr Denton:  Sara will endeavour to continue to ‘investigate’ and resolve the impasse which has been reached with regards to JH having an angiogram in Derriford, ie, Sara will endorse JH’s email about JH being prepared to have the procedure done privately; Sara had forwarded JH’s email to the appropriate Radiologists.  Dr Denton happened to be in the Department and so JH regaled him with her Tale of delay: Dr Denton said that he would be quite prepared to get the transplant done in Derriford Hospital, and that he would only expect Kathy to stay in Plymouth for a fortnight after receiving the transplant; JH did explain that this plan had not been acceptable to the Skinners when first suggested sometime last year, but  that perhaps the situation had now changed, and so JH would let the Skinners know of this suggestion.