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Aunt Bertha - Continued




[AE] Correction in line
[[AE]] Correction as footnote
{AE}Observation in line
{{AE}} Observation as footnote

Ann's postcard stuck onto her letter!

Erlangen Tennenlohe 10.10.2015    1.

Dear Jeanette, having once again reading your most interesting life of Auntie? (Bertha) I was most surprised to read to my amazement of my confirmation at St Mary's Church Maidenhead as in actual fact I was confirmed at St Peter's Church Furze Platt April 4th 1954 by the Bishop of Reading - signed by J H Cook Vicar.  The confirmation classes were held in the drawing room of the Vicarage - Courthouse Road.  He caught me

which I still have*    2        
once looking at the clock directly in front of me of my vision: Mummy made me a white* seersucker dress with long sleeves from the same pattern she used for my dancing dress!  (a very lively lady from Linden Ave gave lessons in the Masonic Hall) I invited Ann Rogers your year from school, Jean ? also school + Rosemary Bourton - then came to tea.  We were given a little book named "My Prayer Book for Women and Girls" 2 Timothy 1.6 Auntie Gert was of course also present and gave me a golden cross and chain which I gave to Hanna for her
Confirmation 2 years ago.  This year was my Diamond 70 {60 JH} years and Johanneses Silver Jubilee 25 years held in our church with Nicole - 2 years together - and Martin.  The family had to divide up as Nadine, Daniel + Lena held their farewell party in Nuremburg before leaving for U. S. A. the next day.

Auntie Gert's move to Chigwell: I came over for three weeks to look for a home.  I was given a list of homes in Ilford from I believe the town hall.  A most depressing undertaking. Fortunately as my time was limited Marg and Keith new of 'Belmont Lodge' so Auntie and I took a taxi to see inside as the Ambulance never turned up, arriving unfortunately at lunch time.

A most alarming smart lady said to Auntie Gert you will like it here all smiles, what a welcome!  on her way to the dining-room.  After all the other depressing homes I heaved a sigh of relief.  I had the impression that Auntie thought she was changing countries!  I've been remembering if she did go once again to the day centre.  The Merediths were looking after Auntie till Lionel arrived and contacted the Dr.

John and Barbara were Aunties first lodgers until they moved to a house almost opposite.

Didn't Daddy just take the overflow as I remember a huge "lorry" with huge piping came to collect sewage.

As to my writing paper! twice a year years ago, skips - huge containers - arrived in our road at various intervals for people to put their unwanted items in - which of course are VERY interesting.  Martin found a +++ roll of this paper - we are not quite sure what it is/was - but of course rather infra dig? for writing paper especially where there are grease marks - although in the living-room and not in the kitchen.

Stasia returned to Poland on Friday now I have Ella/Elizabeth? who just wishes to do everything right.

After all this mess love and Best Wishes Ann

NOTE ONE Ann wrote her second letter to me - on rereading the Profiles of Auntie Bertha and Auntie Gert (JH has found no evidence that Ann has sent notes made when reading Auntie Sally's Profile) on three, quarter-sized A4 strips of paper - which were order slips for her meals whilst in KLINIK FRÄNKISCHE SCHWEIZ Rehabilitation Centre in which she recuperated after her orthopaedic Surgery in June 2015.

NOTE TWO JH has added page numbers - as Ann wrote in Biro on one side of two of the paper strips, and then covered four more sides of these bits of paper with notes written in pencil.

NOTE THREE Where appropriate JH has written out the menu of each meal on the (unused) order forms, as Ann has inserted some English translation of some of the items on the menus.

NOTE FOUR Where Ann has encircled words in a 'speech bubble', JH has underlined the words - as well as those words actually underlined!  The notes in pencil were separated by pencil lines down the page.

NOTE 5 German words in text not corrected as meaning obvious!

Page 1[Ann attached a self-adhesive address label at the top]

                                                                                                                                                 - 44 -

Station:1S-2A             1Z207              Nr:4002490                 Abendessen                        05.07.2015

Anna Elflein   I'll you know as soon as I hear anything from Jan     Bye!                        Vollkost

                        A         1          Abend II                      {no translation provided}           

                        A         1          Volikornbrot

                        A         1          Butter

                           D         1          Tee                          


                                                    Halbe portion

27.10.2015?More iro!

More weight Biro!


Bumper Bundle arrived today from Rosemary

Maidenhead Advertiser: property - very interesting!

Miss Win Law has died 90 years old.  received MBE well loved. I remember her in the Masonic Hall - Musical Appreciation


Page 2

Memories returned reading again your interesting life stories of our Auntie's.

            I haven't the energy to rewrite.

PS why ?                    


[In a telephone conversation with Ann on 210616, JH asked Ann why she had inserted this remark – actually in a speech bubble – but Ann could not remember why.]

{Menu omitted from this page as identical to Page 1 –  except '49' above date, and except Abend 'III'}

Monday 26th.  Hope this will get through.  Don't want to use up more Biro as this missive weighs 21. gramms!


Pottered around the terrace this afternoon.  Elizabeth always wants to help.  muddles everything up ie but means well!  She put tree leaves in the yellow sacks meant for plastic refuse to be collected on Wed.  Instead of standing them up in our compost out of sight emptied them so now we have to dive down to get at the leaves! o dear

Page 3

MEMORIES OF A LIFE TIME!. Cont.!                                  - 27 -
Station:1S-2A        1Z207        Nr:4002490        Mittagessen        09.07.2015
Anna Elflein                                        Vollkost
            A    1        Gebundene Suppe     thickened soup
              B      1          Quarkkeulchen     something like dumplings
              B      1           VanillesoBe        custard
            C    1        Aprikosenkompott   
              E     1          Fruchtkompott
                        Halbe portion

Beech trees - before entering the door In Autumn - Eat the beech nuts all over
left over ? lunch meals
Fay Curlers
Egg Sandwiches  balloons  Sticky Tarte  Cosy
Sometimes took friend as well  played hide + seek with Auntie Bertha lots of laughter
Sunday: White Waltham St Mary's Sunday School
Waiting for vicar - Cows came for milking - In farm - (Bart's Nurse)
Walked with Daddy Christmas Day - for the sermon we were allowed to sit in the porch!

Blue + white Stamp
Sunday afternoon  reasonally (.et o. hinder ol!  [last line on this page JH unable to interpret]
[Further information from Ann during telecom 261215: Sunday School pupils were issued with a blue and white stamp which stated that they were reasonably let or hindered from attending.]

Page 4 [reverse of page 3]

Mrs Poole remember very nice  Mr Poole
Daughter County G. School  mass of red hair
unconventional son  ? red hair from Father.

walking down Canon Lane in Woodlands Park - visited Family? right down steep steps, pretty garden, Elderly lady  [JH - was this Mrs Swaine?]

Can't remember tea in Cherry Garden Lane, but having lemonade at the Beehive Pub + Smiths crisps + blue and white twisted salt accomp, White Waltham

row of trees - formal Garden at Sandisplatt  huge Kitchen garden  lawn Tennis  Swing on a hill under magnificent Horse Chestnut tree

Pretty little house containing tracks for little trucks
Next door lawn Tennis court

remember you with Timmy + me with black doll Topsy

Parkers' Christmas tree  allowed to look at
Page 5 [reverse of page 2]

Jarvis: walk past the Setters with all those letters  Marie full of blue at the Fyfes label machine.  Auntie remained in contact with the girls + Auntie Sally in her Office.  Only x1 house sink.

Bathtime -
Dick Barton Special Agent  Freitags  Chips vom F + C next to Butchers.  ? Mr and Mrs Lawrence [JH remembers the Lawrences having a general store next to No 8 Waltham Road]
Elisabeth Phillip  T.V.  Heirat with the Butschers {JH: query English for Butchers or actually a family called Butcher}Family  tiny screen  moved to Waltham St Lawrence

1st T.V. Christmas Auntie Gert said worst Ch. ever.

Visit to A. G.
Telephone box Paddington  News Reel. Tom + Jerry  Chips in Newspaper!  Met at the red Telephone Booths

Page 6 [reverse of page 1]

I specially wanted an In Remembrance

Daddy + allotments  busy - collected cow pats and ashes early morning on our bikes

After Red Cross we bought chips in the Fish + Chip  rough and ready place  Shop round the corner in Grenfell Road - bus Woodlands Park [JH remembers the Shop being in King Street] 

Kentish Town: 20 [JH - 20 Dunollie Road LONDON NW5 2XP] looked at with Pat Dean  Pea Soup  [Further information from Ann during telecom May 2016: Ann was, of course, referring to walking through the London Smog before the Clean Air Act]

Her Loo three stairs down  + Sunday Lunch in front basement room with Aunt Lil and daughters

Susan Read - Plays "Black Daffodil" Crime!  Invited Parents.
[Further Information from Ann during telecom May 2016: apparently Susan wrote the play herself]

Walk over Style through Meadows to Schottesbrooke Church.

?? Squatters - Nissen Huts ??.